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Research Affirms Meaning of 'Bloom' – Gives Dimension to New College of Saint Mary Marketing Campaign

Starting this month you can see our new television commercials on air.

The commercials were developed from research that affirms how students and alumnae equate our tagline "Bloom" to the outcomes they receive.

The commercials include scenes where students "bloom," having achieved a record in sports, an accolade for classroom work, and the confidence to walk tall toward their dreams. The commercials are very distinct using a cinematic technique and music designed to get attention.

In the 30-second commercial each featured student's major and passion are listed. One 15-second commercial purposely showcases Nursing, a program most know College of Saint Mary offers, and Business Analytics and Strategic Communication, a program some may be surprised to know we offer. The other 15-second commercial showcases a group of students by our Mercy Street entrance, ecstatic to be part of the University.

In addition to airing on broadcast television, the commercials can be seen on HULU and on digital TV feeds.

They are also on the College of Saint Mary YouTube Channel