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Phi Beta Lambda

CSM students take top honors at state Phi Beta Lambda conference

Monday, April 10, 2017

Students from College of Saint Mary’s Phi Beta Lambda business club recently attended PBL’s state leadership conference in Kearney.

Lidia Diaz, a senior business analytics and strategic communication major, took second place in the public speaking competition. Ashley Salem, a senior general studies major, finished second in business presentation. Both students qualified to compete at the national PBL conference in Anaheim, California, in June.

“Ashley and Lidia both worked long hours outside of class, and both were willing to rehearse multiple times leading up to the competition. I was not surprised they did well, because they are strong presenters. I believe this is the first time CSM students have entered a statewide business competition. I’m proud of their efforts and performance,” said Steve Brewer, CSM program director for business analytics and strategic communication and PBL chapter advisor.

Phi Beta Lambda’s national goals are to strength the confidence of students in themselves and their leadership, and to create more interest in and an understanding of American business enterprise. Members are encouraged to develop individual projects that contribute to the improvement of home, business and community.