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Voter Education Event

College of Saint Mary’s voter education event to examine Referendum 426 and LB 268

Friday, October 14, 2016

College of Saint Mary’s 2016 election education series continues with an event featuring speakers from both sides of LB 268. The legislative bill, which abolished capital punishment in Nebraska is subject to a veto referendum on the upcoming November ballot. The event will be held on Monday, Oct. 18, 9:30 a.m. in the Warde Conference Center. The event is free and open to the public.

Dr. Ari Kohen, associate professor of political science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, will represent the views of Retain a Just Nebraska. Bob Evnen will represent Nebraskans for the Death Penalty.

The Nebraska Unicameral in 2015 passed Legislative Bill 268, which abolished the state’s death penalty. Shortly after, pro-death penalty Nebraskans gathered enough signatures to put a veto referendum on the upcoming 2016 ballot.

Referendum 426 will ask voters to either Retain or Repeal LB 268. A vote to Retain LB 268 will eliminate the death penalty. Repealing LB 268 will re-establish capital punishment in Nebraska.

“What the voting public needs is a calm and deliberate discussion that provides them with the facts, pro and con, about the death penalty,” says Dr. Kristin Mattson, director of CSM’s Service Learning Program. That may be especially important in this case, she adds, as voters could become confused when they get into the voting booth and read the wording on the ballot.

The two speakers will each have 20 minutes to present their case on whether or not Nebraska should legalize capital punishment. The presentations will be followed by a question and answer session with the audience members. Mattson stresses that this event is intended to be an informative event, not a debate.

“One of the goals of this event is to educate the audience on capital punishment in Nebraska,” says Mattson, “But it will also help voters understand the wording on the ballot. For example, it may seem counter intuitive, but if they want to abolish the death penalty, they need to vote to Retain, not Repeal LB 268.”

The next event in the 2016 voter education series is Expanding the Political Power of Young Nebraskans, on Oct. 26, featuring Nebraska Senator Adam Morefield, and Amanda Baker, Nebraskans for Civic Reform.

By Chris Kasel, Media Coordinator