Occupational Therapy Doctoral Capstone Experiences (DCE)
- A
Abboud, Danielle Implementing the Role of Occupational Therapy within Primary Care to Address Home Safety and Fall Prevention
Alt, Abbie The Role of Occupational Therapy in Promoting Self-Regulation in a School-Based Setting
Archuleta, Megan Promoting Healthy Habits and Routines for Pregnant/Postpartum Women Experiencing Substance Use
- B
Bates, Jordan Fall Prevention for Older Adults in Home Health: Promoting Safety.
Battafarano, Hannah Promoting Rehabilitative Treatment for Adjudicated Youth through Trauma-Informed Care: A Sensory and Somatic Approach.
Beaver, Emily Healthy Hood: Improving Access to Healthcare Resources within Black, Brown and Low SES Communities.
Bench, Braley Improving Occupational Engagement and Independence by Increasing Access to Resources for At-risk Youth.
Bergner, Kaydrie Increasing the use of Canine Assisted Intervention within an Outpatient Pediatric Therapy Setting: Training and Implementation
Boyce, Haley Promoting Community Integration and Social Participation for Individuals Living with Spinal Cord Injury
Bradley, Jackie Exploring Family-Centered Occupational Therapy Interventions to Minimize Occupational Disruptions Experienced by Pediatric Patients
Brandt, Cami Occupational Therapy’s Role in Sexual Health Education in an Elementary School-Based Setting
Burton, Brandi Improving Academic Support for Students Transitioning Back into the Classroom After a Concussion
- C
Chleborad, Dana Adolescent Concussions: Addressing the Psychosocial Implications for Classroom Success
Cornwall, Danielle Promoting Holistic Health for Caregivers of Children with Special Needs
Cowley, Keeley Addressing Sexuality with Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Occupational Therapy Practice
- D
Daskiewicz, Elena Safe Sounds in the NICU: An Auditory-Based Sensory Program
Desai, Dhara The Distinct Value of Occupational Therapy in Pediatric Oncology Care
De Vaughn, Iesha mOTivate: Mental Health Matters
Dolan, Michelle Advocacy in Returning to Work: Increasing Motivation in Neurological Populations.
- E
Epps, Mattia Promoting Self-Efficacy in Women Transitioning to Motherhood: A Role for Occupational Therapy in Maternal Health
- F
Franzluebbers, Elizabeth Importance of integrating lymphedema education for clients following a breast cancer diagnosis. .
Fuller, Laura Nature-based play: promoting engagement and inclusion
- G
Goforth, Lana Keys To Success In Virtual Learning: Environmental Considerations, Ergonomic Setup, and Routine Establishment
Griffin, Hilary Project Upstream Program: Cultivating Resiliency in Native American Youth
- H
Hafkey, Alexandria The Role of Occupational Therapy in Prenatal and Postpartum Pelvic Health
Henry-Wilson, Kenesha Increasing Independence in Daily Living Skills for Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Transitioning into Adulthood
Hunter, Dmieflur Into the Virtual World: Improving Health Outcomes in Veterans by Utilizing Virtual Reality
- J
Jackson,Jeremy Helpful Hand: An Occupation-Based Guidebook for Upper Extremity Peripheral Nerve Conditions
Jenson,Jessica Bridging the Divide: A Reciprocal Relationship Between Refugees and Occupational Therapy Students
Jones,Kelsey The Role of Occupational Therapy in the Re-entry Process for Justice Involved Clients
- K
Kahle, Lydia Functional Benefits of an Adaptive Riding Saddle in Hippotherapy.
Karst, Becca Increased Self-determination and Social Participation to improve the Quality of Life for Adults with Disabilities
Keller, Nicole Taping and Positioning of the Hemiplegic Shoulder within Acute Care Occupational Therapy
Kellogg, Kassidy Integrating Occupational Therapy with Unhoused Women and Children to Prepare for Transition Into Community Living
Khandalavala, Colleen Promoting Meaningful Activity in End of Life: Occupational Therapy's Role in End of Life Care
Khaukha, Keaira Aging in Place: A Fall Prevention Approach
- L
Lewis, Madison Visual Deficits and Brain Injury: Program Development for Outpatient Therapy
Lung, Robyn Our Hips Don't Lie: How Outpatient Pelvic Floor Therapy Can Promote Occupational Engagement & Equality
- M
Maday, Kelly Promoting Parent Education, Advocacy, and Community Support for Children with Chronic and Complex Conditions
McGuire, Kylee Diabetic Self-Management and Occupational Therapy: Promoting Adherence in Hospitalized Adults
Morgan, Kennedy Aging in Place in Rural Nebraska
Morman, Rachel Addressing Pediatric Vision Disorders: The Design and Implementation of a Vision Toolkit
- N
Neugebauer, Lexi OT Promoting Sensory Regulation Advocacy, Education, and Supports for Recreational Therapy
Nguyen, Megan Holistic Wellness for Mothers Postpartum: A Health Promotion Approach
Nunn, Catherine Promoting Staff Awareness and Perception on Sexual Participation in Skilled Nursing Facilities
- O
Ondracek, Katie Therapeutic Dance: Education on Positive Mental Health and Dance for Youth and Families
- P
Popesku, Jenna Steady Steppin’: Enhancing Mental and Physical Health Through Parkinson’s Specific Dance, Supportive Dialogue and Community Education
- R
Rathwell, Raquel Finding Your Fun: A Humor-Based Life Skills Program for Men Experiencing Homelessness
Runyan, Taylor Improving Social Participation, Inclusion and Mental Health in Veterans
- S
Sanchez, Vianney Health Management and Health Literacy among Individuals with Limited English Proficiency.
Schneider, Mckenzie Bridging the Gap: Integrating Behavioral Principles into Occupational Therapy Practice for Individuals with Autism.
Schubert, Amber Adaptive Recreation and Occupational Therapy: Promoting Inclusive Play for All
Shevela, Cassie Housing Sustainability: A Role for Occupational Therapy to Support the Homeless to Attain and Sustain Housing.
Simmons, Abigail Bringing an Occupational Therapy Perspective to an Equine-assisted Riding Center
Sontag, Magi Improving Motor Skills Through Canine-Assisted Interventions in Occupational Therapy
Svoboda, Rebecca You Eat, I Eat, We all Eat: Group Feeding Interventions for Children with Oral Hypersensitivities
Sweeney, Aileen Bringing an Occupational Therapy Perspective to Nature-Based Therapy Community Programming
- T
Tharnish, Erin Establishing Virtual Tools and Resources to Improve Assistive Technology Usability
Thomas, Angel Empowering All Care Partners: Increasing Independence and Occupational Engagement for Parkinson’s Caregivers
Trevena, Abigail Implementation of Life Skills Groups to Improve Occupational Engagement in Homeless and At-Risk Youth
- W